Read the latest Occupancy Index 🡆


SRRA has completed 3 years of collecting multi-residential building data. Every apartment and condominium building over 3 stories in height, built since 1900 and still standing is now part of SRRA’s database.

The new data includes nearly 5,000 buildings built, under construction or planned. It is now part of the comprehensive multi-sector database housed on SRRA’s proprietary platform.

The acquisition of multi-residential buildings is part of a long-term commitment to maintain SRRA’s unique data as a component of its extensive Resource Centre for research to support innovative infrastructure policy development.

Resource Centre

SRRA has built a unique data platform which contains both public and private sector data and knowledge. This resource is not available in one place anywhere else and provides SRRA’s partners and researchers with a better understanding of the impact of new infrastructure investments.

Maximizing investment value requires analytics based on comprehensive, transparent and timely data. It is too risky and no longer acceptable by the public to simply have a gut feeling that something looks right.

Analytics based on data and evidence reduce the risk of unintended consequences. The more transparent knowledge and information which accompanies infrastructure decisions creates greater the public value and the greater acceptance by the public.

SRRA's research has shown that the lack of a common, widely accepted base of data on which transit investment is determined has led to sub-optimal decisions. Starting with one common set of data which annually shows where people live, work, and travel is critical when assessing future growth. SRRA has linked data from cross-sectoral platforms to provide a regional set of common and data.

The Resource Center provides SRRA and its partners with a more complete understanding of where new investment in transit infrastructure is needed and where existing infrastructure can be optimized.