Occupancy Index - May 15

occupany index (report),  2021-05-15.png

Comments –

The Province has just announced the framework for a gradual re-opening of the economy over the summer months. It is reasonable to expect that the first tranche of significant change will occur in the middle of June. Of note, and perhaps concern, is the reality that the announced plans are again largely silent on the question of office-based work focused as they are on the retail and activity-based sectors.

While other City Regions across the world accelerate their progress to a post-COVID normal the Greater Toronto City Region and its office-based economy in particular may be slow off the mark.

… stay safe - the SRRA Team

Links to Articles of Interest

Confusion about mask protocols reigns in the U.S. – at least Canada isn’t alone when it comes to wacky messaging on COVID

A chance to learn a cool new word, and to glance askance at statistical logic piled upon shaky assumptions. “Heteroskedasticity is a very complicated word for the very simple concept that sometimes things are hard to explain because they change in unpredictable ways that don’t seem related to the other variables you are looking at. It is now about to start messing with your future office take-up predictions.”

A head to head comparison between the U.S./Canada vs European bank CEOs with divergent attitudes about the return to the office.  This review says it’s all about risk.

For this UK-based company, ‘flexibility’ is a watchword. Will we feel the same way about that word a year from now? 

Skeptical views on the hybrid office: are we playing semantics when we parse the difference between flexibility for location vs flexibility for work hours?

Patience and understanding for your employees: is the post-COVID CEO going to be more receptive to the needs of employees?

New York City, long buoyed by the flow of commuters into its towering office buildings, faces a cataclysmic challenge, even when the pandemic ends.

Remember how it felt to be downtown? New York gives you a hint